Sunday, July 01, 2007

Freakin 'hot' and 'steamy'

Hey don't you try to think of the nasty or hamsap part of it since i have a nasty and wild header

... i was mentioning something about the recent happening this afternoon... i was at home the whole day while waiting for terribly weather to clear off ....the sad thing, got worst than ever.... the steamy sun... got hot and wilder as me n aivie went for a jogging + badminton session by the field....

After some sort of 15 minutes session, we were soaked .... as if i just went for a 1 hour marathon..... oh yeah ... anyone here would be interested to join me for a run at one of the locally organized race... it's the Subang 10k Run.... do alert me....

Back to the hot and furry, I gotta say 'thanks' to those open burning and inconsiderate monsoon drought ... the so called '171 hotspot' back in indon was the root caused for the haze and my sinus (* i am terribly sensitive about it, what else can i do now rather than getting ready for work tomorrow, oh my *) .... Tech terms for hotspot can known this as wireless zone..... how i wish we could have those hotspot in malaysia whereby everyone would get connected everywhere and got hacked into different computer day by day.... :)

Anyway, if you do have such a inconsiderate neighbour that would like to set up camp fire, or your neigbour son that would like to have a bbq party or wanted to turn on their air-con as thou they are the penguins from antartica the whole day.... do go to them n give them two tight slap... coz i am sick.... :) .. jst jk.... coz wanted to concern about the current global warming only ma... anyway, in future i hope i wouldn't be bare naked walking to my office or going out for my lunch..... just bcoz i am just "too hot".....


Anonymous said...

I have killed my neighbour but he still want to burn. I assume he would like to be BBQed

baggie said...

*sniff sniff* welcome to the club... (=_=)"

jAmEs said...

jason : then i think u did not buried him... :)

calvin's wife : wei. hope you get well tooo.. oh yeah .. i suggest u go for swimming .. sure can cure it... :)

Anonymous said...

cute little polar bear skinning himself cutela