Wednesday, August 08, 2007

The weirdo has left

Bu-bye so long farewell...lil happy feet a.k.a. penguin = the new tenant that can't live without air-conditioned...Sayonara... ... he quits b4 his contract ends, therefore sayonara to your deposit too....

Hey, dun you look at me just like that ...kay....
Trust me, the housemate did not mistreats him nor skinned him for his meat ... but is his only will and attitude that were the one to be blamed. Wanna know how bad that was.... wow it's gonna be a long story and sorry to tell... things got worst from the condition that he gave... in the previous pissed-off post...

..... allow me to describe or summarize it just for you.....
  • very arrogant
  • fussy
  • a wannabe librarian / discipline master ? the lights were set to be off by 0000, n no noise please , applies for weekends too
  • air-con forever and ever
  • never come out when he's in.... I would honorary crown him as a loyal JP of my unit = Jaga Pintu
  • have his own party in the room
So right after you read this... would you think i am harsh?


baggie said...

ooooo that stoopid guy with a long list of do's and dont's.. LOL.. well good thing he has left then.. he sounds so weird to me..

jAmEs said...

wow .. i didn't know i have a supporter here too...

Cheers... to u evelyn

really looking forward to skinned him one day!

baggie said...

LOL... well, you'll never know if he's a psychopath too! ;) Better be gone right?

and erm, did he left anything behind in the fridge? LOL...

Anonymous said...

I agree with evelyn, he might leave you some 'souvenir'